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Volunteers. Anyone who would like to help in the haunted barn that has not been contacted yet, we

apologize. If you can be at the farm this Friday to sign paperwork, get a costume or just come and help

finish decorating it would be much appreciated! Anyone wanting to help finish decorating come in around noon, for costumes come in at 2:00, concession people come in at 4:00, all others come in no later than 6 for our opening night. We are thinking it will be a soft opening but come prepared just in case!! Looks like it will be cold so dress in layers. Our hours are 7-11 for the haunt. Please plan to stay until the end.


Are you or someone you know interested in volunteering at the Haunted Barn? We have creepy actor/actress (in costume), concessions and ticket sales, tractor and hearse drivers, and parking attendant positions available! Volunteer Applications and Waivers are required for everyone participating in the Haunted Barn!
Volunteer Rules Include:
  • Absolutely NO SMOKING!
  • No leaving assigned area during designated timeframe while volunteering. 
  • No horseplay-all volunteers under the age of 18 will have an active adult in their assigned area. 
  • All pickup drivers will have a sign for their windshield for proper pickup. 
  • Volunteer vehicles are required to have a parking pass in windshield and are to park in designated area. 
  • A designated bathroom and concession area will be set up for volunteers only. 
  • All volunteers are to clean up their area prior to leaving and will be escorted by hay wagon to the front parking lot at conclusion of event.
Thank you for volunteering and we look forward to a successful Haunted Barn season in support of Diamonds in the Rough Rescue!
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